Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How to Start a Revolution?!

I was sick today, so I stayed home and slept most of the morning.  When I woke up I decided to watch a little web tv.  There is this new show that I say and thought would be fun to watch.  Turns out that show was not online, nor were any of the other shows that I usually watch.  So I did a little googleing and found out that usanetwork, as well as many other networks have decided that they will not let their content be on the web for a month after they air.  On Hulu under the one of the TV shows I was hoping to watch today, in the comments, some one wrote that it was not Hulu making this decision.  The writer continued and said that it was not even the networks fault, but instead the marketing people of the network.

Truthfully I dont know who had decided to postpone the debuting of the shows on the web, but I know that I dont like it.   I work an 8-5 job and I do many other activities through out the week, I dont have TiVo nor do I have cable.  I have internet access, that is when ATT DSL is working, but that is a different post.  Like many people I have an active life and the TV does not fit neatly into it.

I do have free time and I like to watch tv, but there is little on when I can choose to watch, like today home sick.

So here is what I plan to do,  I am going to research who the sponsers are of Hulu and every chance I get I will buy their produces.  And from time to time when I do I will write them and let them know that I purchased their product because of hulu.  I am going to research the sponsors of USA Network, and I am going to boycott them, and from time to time I will email them and let them now that I am boycotting them and give them instances when I chose someone else over them.

Please Join me in this Revolution.  We live in a time and place where entertainment does not need to be on someone else time table.  Nor does it need to cost lots of money. 

Well I am feeling really tired and still sick, so I will go now.  If you read this and you know how to get the list sponsors for Hulu and USA network leave a comment.

Good night